Category: Auto Accident

Do Insurance Companies Provide Attorneys When You Are Injured

Do Insurance Companies Provide Attorneys When You Are Injured? According to the National Safety Council, there were over 13.5 million car crashes in 2019 in the United States. It is estimated that there are, on average, nearly 16,500 crashes per day! If you were in a car accident, you might have been injured. The first […]

When Should I Work With a Personal Injury Lawyer

When Should I Work With a Personal Injury Lawyer? Imagine a scenario where you or someone you love gets injured. The injuries may be the result of an accident or someone else’s carelessness or negligence. Of course, the first priority is to heal the injured person. You might be out of work or facing a […]

Do You Need an Attorney? A Guide to Minor and Major Car Accidents

In some car accident scenarios, it can be obvious that you need an attorney to handle the consequences and overcome the incident. However, state laws vary, and sometimes, accidents that are minor or complicated leave the people involved unsure of what their next step should be. Though this guide is not necessarily a list of […]

What Do I Do After a Car Accident? Follow These 7 Steps

After a car accident, you might be in shock. It’s easy to panic and forget what you should do. It’s important to keep calm, though, and follow the steps listed below. Get to a safe place: You never want to leave the scene of an accident, but you don’t want to stay in the middle of oncoming traffic. […]

Skip McManes Alpharetta Auto Accident Attorney

Alpharetta Auto Accident Attorney If you are like many others in Alpharetta, GA you may climb into your car each day to commute to work, run errands and more, and you may rarely give thought to the possibility of having a car accident. However, car accidents can happen to even the safest drivers. They often […]

Motorcycle Injuries

Motorcycle Injuries You can see more and more motorcycles on the roads today because it is a gas saving option and a hobby for many people. Anyone who owns a motorcycle knows their safety is never guaranteed simply because of the design of the motorcycle. Experienced riders always go out of their way to protect […]

Neck Injury Whiplash

Neck Injury Whiplash If you have ever been in a rear-end collision you may have experienced a Neck Injury Whiplash. Whiplash is a neck injury that is often associated with rear end motor vehicle accidents; however, whiplash and other soft tissue injuries can happen in many different car accident scenarios. Low-impact accidents can cause major […]

Minimum Auto Insurance Requirements in Georgia

Minimum Auto Insurance Requirements in Georgia Every state requires that motorists have a specific amount of insurance coverage on their vehicle.  If a motorist isn’t properly insured they can face criminal penalties, fines, and other fees associated with not having insurance. If you are involved in an accident without the required amount of motor vehicle […]

What Does A Workers Compensation Claims Adjuster Do

What Does A Workers Compensation Claims Adjuster Do Workers Compensation Claims Adjusters evaluate claims for the insurance company. They can work for workers compensation companies or vehicle insurance companies. The most widely known are adjusters from the auto insurance companies. When you are involved in an auto accident you will have to file a claim […]

Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Someone’s negligence can have major consequences including death. Whether it be because of medical malpractice, truck or pedestrian accident, or negligence on the part of a hospital or nursing home, the family of the deceased is able to bring a wrongful death lawsuit against the negligent party. Negligence can occur in many […]